In this newsletter
– Look for my poverty article in this Thursday’s Denver Business Journal
– Statewide Coalition -We’re getting organized
– Youth Panel hosted by Voices for Public Education
– Sign the petition to repeal SB191-pay for tests scores
– Have you seen this video? Our Young People have power!
– Welcome to my new website – Thank you Patrick Anderson!
Statewide Coalition
We are meeting soon to create a process and structure that facilitates continued coordination between activists and organizers across the state.
Goals include:
Coordinating resources
Improving communication
Strengthening partnership
Supporting actions and initiatives
Building our collective capacity and capabilities
Growing the network
Ensuring better outcomes for youth, families and teachers.
If you are willing to share in the work, please contact Lynn Roberts
Student Activist Panel
January 28th at 6:30 PM
Westridge Recreation Center
9650 Foothills Canyon Blvd, Highlands Ranch, Colorado 80129
2014 was the year Colorado students as well as students from across the country and world let their voices be heard loud and clear. Join us as we hear student organizers from across the state share with us their insight around the issues we all face in creating a better community!
Scroll down for panel and bios.
Thank you, Newark Student Union for allowing us to use your picture!
Facilitator – Roshan Bliss
Boulder student activist – Rachel Perley
Denver students activists – Hudson Janz, Savanna Jones, Lirio Palmer
Dougco student activist – Andrew McGraw
Jeffco student activist – Kyle Ferris
Sign the Petition to Repeal SB191 – Linking teacher’s salaries to test scores